How To Pay Yourself as a Business Owner
Signing your paycheck is the ultimate ‘NOBOSS move’! LOL, seriously, pat yourself on the back for being in such an accomplished position. OK, that's the fun side of things. On the business side of things, at some point, you need to decide how to pay yourself.
How Taxation Works
Taxes are a significant part of the financial framework, and they're not always easy to understand. In fact, many people don't fully grasp how taxes work. So, let's cover the basics of taxation so you can see how it fits into the bigger picture
How to Set Yourself Up for Success
Your dreams can become a reality but, you’re going to need a roadmap!
How to Start Your Own Business
I work with and create content for new entrepreneurs every day. Often I am asked ‘how I can make starting a business and making money look so easy’.
Well, the truth is, it's not easy, it's a process, and it takes time too! While some ideas take a little more time than others, no matter how small or grandiose your business idea is, be ready and willing to put in some work if you want to succeed.
Which Do You Need: Business PLAN or PLANNING?
The Secret to Your Success Is PLANNING - structured planning can make all the difference. It is essential to a strong foundation and growth of your new business.
How Much Does It Cost to Start a Business?
So, you've decided to start your own business, but you don't know how much cash you'll need. You wonder if you can fund the business on your own, or if you will need investors.
28 Tips for New Entrepreneurs
If you are ready to start a successful business, then these 28 Tips for New Entrepreneurs are sure to include some advice you need to hear.